10 Things To Know Before Getting A Tattoo

What do you need to prepare before getting a tattoo?
Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned ink veteran, Following the key points will ensure you're well-prepared for the artistic journey that awaits!

1. Choosing The Right Tattoo Design

If you already have your design to get a tattoo, that would be great. If you have a reference tattoo design, the tattoo artist can help you refine your design and provide advice. Engage in a heart-to-heart about your design. Clearly articulate your ideas, preferences, and any specific elements you want to include. It's not just about the tattoo; it's about telling your story through art. Don't shy away from expressing your vision – think of it as a collaboration between two creative minds.

Here are a few lists of tattoo styles: Traditional or Old School, Realism, Watercolor, Neo-Traditional, Minimalist, Tribal, Japanese or Irezumi, Geometric, Dotwork, Abstract, etc.
Learn more about the styles

2. Stay Hydrated

Ever wonder why those tattoos with vibrant colors pop so beautifully? Hydrated skin is the secret sauce. When your body is well-hydrated, it enhances the brilliance of the ink. It's like turning up the contrast on a photo – the colors shine, and your tattoo becomes a masterpiece.

Prep Days Before: Start hydrating a few days before your tattoo session. It's like prepping the soil before planting a garden – you want it ready for the masterpiece that's about to bloom.
Sip, Don't Gulp: Constant sipping is the hydration game plan. It's like a slow and steady rain rather than a torrential downpour. Your body absorbs it better.
Post-Tattoo Hydration: After the ink has settled, keep up with your hydration game. It's like tending to a freshly planted garden – water ensures that your tattoo blooms into its full glory.

3. Health Considerations

- Ensure you're in good health. If you're feeling unwell or have a medical conditions, it's best to postpone your appointment.
- Inform of any allergies or sensitivies you may have you must let tattooist know.

*Do not drink alcohol for 24 hrs before getting tattoo or 48 hrs after getting a tattoo. it effect:

  • Dehydration: Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it can lead to dehydration. Proper hydration is essential during the healing process of a tattoo, as it helps the skin heal and prevents scabbing. Dehydration can make your tattoo more prone to scarring.
  • Skin Irritation: Alcohol can also irritate the skin, potentially leading to redness and itching around the tattoo area. 
  • Colour Fading: Drink alcohol consumption can affect the overall health of your skin. Over time, excessive alcohol intake can cause your skin to lose elasticity and vibrancy, potentially leading to color fading and a less vibrant tattoo.

4. Clothing

Wear clothing that allows easy access to the area where you'll get tattooed. This makes it more convenient for us (tattooists) and ensures your comfort. so leave the skinny jeans at home.

5. Communication with Your Tattoo Artist

During the tattoo session, maintain open communication with tattoo artist. If you experience excessive pain or discomfort, don't hesitate to let them know.

6. Shave or Not to Shave? That is the Question

For a clean canvas, shaving the area is often recommended. Some tattoo artists prefer to do the shaving themselves as part of their prep routine. It's like a mini makeover before the main event. Others might ask you to come already prepped – shaved and ready for action.

7. Pain Tolerance Prep

Tattoos can sting a bit. It's not a walk in the park. Mentally prepare yourself for some discomfort, and you'll be golden.

8. Positive Mindset

Maintain a positive attitude and trust in our abilities. A positive mindset can make the experience more enjoyable.

9. Snack

Pack some light snacks for your session. You're going to be there for a bit, and no one wants a grumbling stomach as the soundtrack to their tattoo session. Pack some light snacks for your session. Maintaining your energy levels is crucial, especially for longer tattoo sessions

10. Conclusion: After Care

After the ink party, it's not over. It is important to have proper aftercare to ensure your tattoo heals well. The tattoo artist will provide instructions, and it's essential to follow them diligently to prevent infections and maintain the tattoo's quality.

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